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23 décembre 2009 3 23 /12 /décembre /2009 21:32

Moi ils me font toujours rire....

C'est aussi Noël pour les Lapins Crétins ... malheureusement !

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<br /> Flowers are one of the most beautiful signs of nature on this earth. Most of the people type flowers uk , send flower uk or sending flowers uk to get the flowers delivered to their friends… People<br /> searching for online flowers uk , flowers delivery uk , florist uk, flowers by post uk and flower shop uk are all the same….On any occassion whether happiness or grief it is used to dislay either<br /> peace incase of happiness or the hope for peace in the future incase of grief :) Now in this modern era, thank to internet which has made it possible for us to deliver flowers internationally to<br /> our colleagues, family and friends anywhere from the world all from the one click on the mouse :) Thanks for the nice post anyway...<br /> <br /> <br />
<br /> et voila, Le Blog devient international.....je vais faire un jaloux dans les élus je suis sûr....Le message vient de<br /> Karachi au Pakistan.....c'est une pub.<br /> <br /> <br />


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